

  • The Dubai International Private School operates a right-based model of education where we value diversity, as it creates a rich environment for all our students to learn and succeed.
  • This includes children who are exceptionally able as well as those for whom learning presents some challenges.
  • It is the shared responsibility of all staff to work collaboratively to support these students on their individual journeys through their education at DIPS and beyond.
  • DIPS wholeheartedly believes that successful and quality Inclusion provides all our students with the best chance for personal success while considering their wellbeing.

DIPS aims to provide all students with the opportunity to achieve their best academically, emotionally, and socially through:

  • Providing high quality learning that is tailored to the individual student to enable the acquisition of skills, knowledge, and concepts relevant to their future.
  • Promoting an ethos of care, mutual respect, and support, where effort is valued, and success celebrated.
  • Enabling students to become active, responsible, independent, and caring members of the school and wider international community.
  • Promoting wellbeing and a healthy lifestyle.
Dubai International Private Dchool

Gifted and Talented

  • With gifted and talented students, the school will provide customized enhancements and challenges designed to build on the identified student strengths. The approach utilized can be summarized as:
  • Baselining potential and achievement.
  • Using student tracking to identify high performers and fast progression.
  • Training and requiring teachers to identify high performers.
  • Requiring subject leaders to design schemes of work which include differentiated opportunities, enhancements, and extensions.
  • Good communication with parents.
  • Twice-yearly monitoring and evaluation.
Dubai International Private Dchool

DIPS Learning Support Team

  • Margaritka Petrova- Inclusion and SEND HOD.
  • Nancy Salamah- School Counsellor , Grade1-7.
  • Lama Bashasha- Carrier and High Counsellor.
  • Rona Al Kha- Math support teacher Grade 1-5.
  • Angeline Battalah- Learning support teacher English/Science- Grade 1-5.
  • Omnia Mohamed- Arabic SEN Teacher 1-5 and grade 6&7 girls.
  • Voltaire Jimenez-Learning Support teacher BOYS Grade 6-8 English and Math.
  • Bethel Grace- Support teacher GIRLS Grade 6-12 English and Math BOYS Grade 9-12 English and Math.
Dubai International Private Dchool

Inclusive classrooms

  • Inclusive classrooms getting started.
  • Literacy in the inclusive classrooms.
  • Peer support and social inclusion.
  • Accommodations and modifications.
  • Universal Design for Learning.
  • Strong students support with personalized educational plan.